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Carmen Taheny


Our International Mission

BPW International develops the business, professional and leadership potential of women on all levels through advocacy, education, mentoring, networking, skill building, and economic empowerment programmes and projects around the world.


Our International Aims

To unite business and professional women in all parts of the world to work for women's economic independence and equal opportunity and representation in economic, civil and political life.  

To encourage and support women and girls to develop their professional and leadership potential; to undertake lifelong education and training; and to use their abilities for the benefit of others, locally, nationally and internationally.

To advocate for the elimination of all discrimination against women; for human rights and the use of gender-sensitive perspectives.

To undertake world-wide networking and co-operation between business and professional women; non-profit projects that help women gain economic independence; and to present the views of business and professional women to international organisations, business, governments and civil society.


How does BPW Ireland fit within the wider BPW?

BPW International was founded in 1930 in Geneva by Lena Madesin Philips, who, having successfully grown BPW as a major force for women in the workforce in the USA in the previous decade, wanted to share her vision with the women of Europe.  In the past 80 years, BPW has grown to an international network of over 30.000 members in more than 107 countries.


We have 5 regions to manage this large organisation: North America, Latin America, Europe, Africa and Asia Pacific.

Europe is the strongest region with more than 18.000 members in 31 countries.  Ireland is a proud member of BPW Europe and was chosen to host the 16th European Congress in Galway in 2019.  Over 300 delegates from around the World travelled to Galway to celebrate the work of BPW Europe and to share plans for the future of this vibrant organisation.


BPW encourages its members to proactively engage with the Organisation.  Initially, members can join projects in their own Clubs, then challenge for leadership roles locally and nationally.  We have extraordinary talent within BPW Ireland and we all benefit when this talent is shared and leveraged to progress the aims of BPW.


Roles at European and International Board level are also available on a 3-year rotation to any Member willing to challenge for them.  We are very proud of Galway-member Carmen Taheny, incoming European Secretary.   Herewith the Press coverage of her election in 2020.


Galway Woman elected to the Board of BPW Europe.

Galway native, Carmen Taheny, will take on the prestigious role of Secretary of BPW Europe. The Election result showed Carmen with a clear lead on her nearest rival; a testament to her hard work as BPW Ireland President/ International Liaison and her delivery of the hugely successful 16th BPW European Conference in Galway in May 2019.

Over the next 3 years, Carmen will work with European President-Elect Anu Viks, BPW Estonia, Finance Officer Gudrun Jakobsdottir, BPW Iceland, and Young BPW Representative Alice Minuto, BPW Italy to deliver an ambitious programme for BPW Europe.  

Announcing the Result, BPW Ireland President, Moyra McMahon said that this was a first for BPW Ireland and that huge credit accrues to Carmen for her hard work over many years and her ability to develop relationships across the 26 Member Countries in Europe.  Moyra went on to say that Carmen is as highly respected and recognised on the International BPW stage as she is in her home Club of BPW Galway and that the whole of BPW Ireland is hugely proud of what Carmen has already achieved and undoubtedly continue to achieve in this new and challenging role.

BPW International



BPW Ireland is proud to be part of the wider BPW International family and contributing on the world stage to improve the lot of women everywhere.  Although a small organisation here in Ireland, BPW brings together the combined and united voices of over 30,0000 women worldwide. We leverage our consultative status at the United Nations and the European Commission by advocate for women to secure equal status in power and decision-making roles.  As a Member of BPW Ireland, you can add your voice to BPW International.

Find out more about the BPW European Conference 2019 here.

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